I was selected as one of the luck 50 through thousands of nominations from 75 countries at Dedicated Teacher Awards which was organised by Cambridge...
I was partipated a teacher meeting as a speaker in Pamukova, Sakarya. I mentioned about my works and project management. 30 teachers were attented the...
I was invited a teacher candidate meeting by İstanbul Volunteer Educators Assosation (İGEDER). I partipated as a speaker this important panel. I mentioned about my...
I participated Teacher Days Programme at METU (Middle East Technical University) as speaker. I mentioned about my works to teacher candidates. That was such a wonderful,...
I participated SETA Foundation’s “Qualified Education, Leader Teacher” Panel as a speaker on 20 November 2018. I shared my story and experiences with teacher candidates....
The Ministry of National Education selected 81 teachers from 81 cities for Teachers Day. I represented Ankara, The Capital of Turkey, as “Teacher of the...
I participated “Tell Me Teacher” programme by Ministry of Education, EBA http://www.eba.gov.tr/video/izle/7011cfd0e4dce435c4cb1b502a3dc209b4ec9ca242005...