We organized an event for Code Week 2019 and European Vocational Skills Week. My students from IT department were tought coding to preschoolers with their...
April 23 the National Sovereignty and Children’s Day was dedicated to all children of the world, by Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK, the founder of our country....
You can read and watch some news about me… http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/egitim/kiz-ogrencileri-bilisimle-bulusturdu-kuresel-ogretmen-odulu-kazandi-41025997 https://www.sabah.com.tr/egitim/2018/11/21/kiz-ogrencileri-bilisimle-bulusturdu-kuresel-ogretmen-odulu-kazandi http://www.iha.com.tr/ankara-haberleri/kiz-ogrencileri-teknolojiyle-bulusturan-projesiyle-kuresel-ogretmen-odulu-kazandi-2161644/ https://www.memurlar.net/haber/790724/projesiyle-kuresel-ogretmen-odulu-kazandi.html http://www.eba.gov.tr/video/izle/7011cfd0e4dce435c4cb1b502a3dc209b4ec9ca242005 https://www.google.com.tr/amp/s/m.haberler.com/amp/bakan-selcuk-81-il-81-iyi-ornek-sergisinin-11463033-haberi/...
Vocational schools aim to train the skilled labour required in business sector. In this sense, Ministry of Education and representatives of the business sectors in...
My school and Hacettepe University conducted a social responsibility project. 20 students participated a training about Arduino between 6 August 2018 and 10 August 2018....
Within the context of the 2018-I Special Call for Youth and Sports Ministry, the project call for “Healthy Living and Sports”, “Culture and Art”, “Innovative...
Muratcan won the 4th prize in the slogan contest organized by the Personal Data Protection Agency. Congratulations Muratcan KARAKOC! Öğrencim Muratcan Kişisel Verileri Koruma...
My student, Zeynep ÖRENLİOĞLU, was selected as 2nd winner of “Life between apartments” photograhy competition organized by Çankaya University with her works named “Karmaşa”. Öğrencim...