
Data Science for Sustainable Development Goals

Data Science is undoubtedly one of the most popular research and application areas of today. The number of people who want to learn Data Science, which should be considered as an interdisciplinary field by its nature, is increasing day by day. The use of Eurostat data as a source in STEM Discovery Week 2021 is really impressive. The purpose of our project, which we call Data Science for Sustainable Development Goals, is Sustainable provided by Eurostat using data science. To explain the Development Goals data by visualizing. Eurostat resources with the following links were used in the project.

There are 24 students between the ages of 14 and 17 in the study group. One third of the students are female students. All of the students are information technology students. Students have basic coding skills. They studied data science to understand Eurostat resources.

Let’s explain the step-by-step process!

A. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Training and Certification with Distance Learning

Cooperation was made with the Kodluyoruz Association, which carries out studies in this field so that our students can improve themselves in the field of data science. In the first phase of the cooperation, 24 students in the study group completed the introduction to Artificial Intelligence training prepared in cooperation with Middle East Technical University, Kodluyoruz Association and Bilge-İş. They also succeeded in the certification exam held at the end of the training and received their certificates.

B. 3-week Applied Training of Introduction to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

In the second stage, applied training of distance education was carried out. Students received 3 hours of data science training on 4-11 and 18 March 2021. They also had the chance to practice abundantly in education. We thank the Kodluyoruz Association and its trainers for this training.

C. Working on Sustainable Development Goals data using Eurostat resources

In the third stage, students were informed about Eurostat resources and Sustainable Development Goals on April 5, 2021. The resources were examined together with the students and it was explained how students could use these resources. Students were asked to choose one of the 17 sustainable development goals. Eurostat sources were compared by examining the purpose for selected countries of the European Union with Turkey. After the students made these comparisons, they prepared the visuals. Students were given 7 days for this stage.

D. Students’ data visualization studies in Python using Eurostat resources

In the fourth stage, the students combined the data science education they received with the Eurostat resources and made data visualization. In other words, they tried to code the data and tables provided by Eurostat themselves. The coding is done in the Python language. Students used Matplotlib, Seaborn and Numpy libraries. In this way, they used data science with an interdisciplinary approach. During this phase, students were given 7 days.

E. Students presenting their work with the posters they have prepared.

In the last stage, the students presented both the tables they obtained from Eurostat sources and the images they coded themselves with a poster. The posters were created in the Canva tool. Students also interpreted the images they prepared on their posters, and this long process was completed.

Let’s look at the posters with data visualizations prepared by students using Eurostat resources…

With the Data Science for Sustainable Development Goals activity, students used Statistics, data science and coding with an interdisciplinary approach. They produced qualified learning outcomes. They learned how to understand, use and interpret data. Going one step further, they created their own graphics by processing Eurostat resources in the Python programming language. In doing so, they improved their coding skills. They learned the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals and increased their awareness of the goals. The school-NGOs cooperation was benefited from the realization of this project. Data science professionals and students collaborated. Eurostat resources also provided a unique data science experience for students. Thank you for your interest in our blog…

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