
Most Outstanding Teacher of the Year

On the 24 November Teachers Day in the ceremony held in İstanbul Kadir Has Üniversitesi Conference Hall, I received silver medal in Year’s The Most Outstanding Teacher branch.

Best in Teaching Awards is a national awards program that rewards the institutions and individuals that put their hearts and support to their. Best in Teaching Awards is held by the sharing platform  Clasloom presented to the use of the teachers for the communication of parents and students for free. In Best in Teaching Awards there are 12 awards being given 8 institutional and 4 individually. Year’s Most Outstanding Teacher category holds the purpose of meeting, introducing and rewarding teachers that brought to life the most out of the norm practices and projects. In this category the finalists earn gold, silver and bronze awards based on public voting and jury evaluation. There are 16 finalist teachers in this category in the competition in the year 2016.

24 Kasım 2016 Öğretmenler gününde İstanbul Kadir Has Üniversitesi Konferans Salonunda yapılan ödül töreninde Yılın En Sıra Dışı Öğretmeni kategorisinde gümüş ödülün sahibi oldum. 

Ulusal bir ödül programı olan ve Classloom tarafından düzenlenen ödül programında 8 kurumsal, 4 bireysel kategoride ödüller verilmektedir. Jüri ve halk oylamasının yapıldığı ve 16 finalistin olduğu yılın en sıra dışı öğretmeni kategorisinde altın, gümüş ve bronz ödüller verildi.

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