
Scichallenge Winner!

In the International SciChallenge project competition, my student Defne Lal ORUNCAK, with the project she prepared called Secret of Notes, managed to be one of the 12 winning projects out of the 437 participants. The goal of the Secret of Notes project is to find a solution using music when the communication channels are disabled without creating panic in the case of a terror attack has lately been increasing. In places like a mall, theater, airport, hospital, stadium where there are people, in case the communication is cut between the securities a piano or a pre-recorded music can play instead. Using different notes in different scenarios a code that only the security can understand can be. The ceremony of this project has been held on 21 July 2017 in Austria in Vienna University.

You can watch final award video from here:

Öğrencim Defne Lal ORUNCAK Secret of Notes ismini verdiği proje ile uluslar arası Scichallenge yarışmasında 437 proje arasından seçilen 12 kazanan projeden biri oldu. Tüm iletişim kanallarının devre dışı kaldığı terör olaylarında bir çözüm olabilecek projede piyano yoluyla hazırlanan ve sadece güvenlik personelinin bildiği bir çeşit kriptoloji oluşturuldu. Ödül töreni 21 Temmuz 2017’de Viyana Üniversitesinde yapıldı. 

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